Scope of the Device

NO Discussion would be complete without the scope of the said device

In this we usually discuss the future of a project. Frankly we think our project is the future. Advanced recognition techniques and sensors are being developed with better characteristics and lower costs enabling faster cheaper and more accurate detection. A project of this scale would have cost much much more a decade ago. In our case development of powerful microcontrollers as well as reliable detectors makes it better than fast attempts at the same.

A 2D array can provide significantly enhanced control ability, because of the fact that instead of two control directions. In a 2D array we can achieve 8 directions (or more). They can for example be used to select an option for which the control can be applied.

Even among the sensors SHARP offers significantly wider range with modules capable of sensing and transmitting the sensed distance. Instead of just a logic level which is a result of the comparison of the sensed distance with a preset value. An array of such sensors could achieve, in the manner mentioned previously, 3D sensing which can offer a much more powerful interface. Eg motion replicators etc.

The decoder stage ie(uC) can be reprogrammed with more optimized algorithms (if any are developed) leading to more optimized detection.

Similarly the interface with a PC can also yield better results using powerful software.

If mass produced the economies of scale can reduce the cost of this interface allowing it to be economically incorporated into a host of devices allowing for an unprecedented change in the way in which humans interact with the devices by simplifying the man machine link.

Embedding the interface into physical space enables the creation of reactive environments that can automatically respond to user’s gestures.

We have already mentioned a limited number of applications so far. Where as the actual no of possibilities are limitless. The range of application of this interface is limited only by human imagination.

posted by aravind, 9:44 PM